If you want to have your own website or you already have one and you want to maintain or updated it ...

take a look to part of our portfolio


Tobishi Kennels - soon online Catori Aussies - soon online
IMOKAM - Alaskan Malamute & Australian Shepherds DE LOS TRES ROBLES - English Springer Spaniel  
IMOKAM - Pastor Australiano  Las Dehesas 7 Picos - BASSET HOUND 
UN'YU KATSUYO - Akita Inu 
Mis Yorkies IMOKAM - Alaskan Malamute BOULE & ONUBA - French Bulldogs
KING OF KINGS - Alaskan Malamute TAJMAHAL - Cocker Spaniel Inglés PIEDRA CAÍDA - Schnauzers Miniatura & Chinos Crestados
GRASSLAND - Cocker Spaniel Inglés    
 - old pages, no working now -
not available now not available now not available now
not available now Casa Mestas - Cocker Spaniel Inglés NUNCAJAMAS - Cocker Spaniel Inglés
JOKELCAN - Bobtails y Golden Retrievers www.cockeringles.com Thalassa-Can - Cocker Spaniel Inglés

junior handlers

Spaniel Club de España

other services / commercials

Henne Pet Food  BUBUS fashion Bronte Glen - Mantas veterinarias 

If you need further info send us an e-mail to  knina_net@yahoo.es

Last updated : 21 January 2010